Family Giving Tree
Nov 18, 2022
Jennifer Cullenbine and Andrea Borch
Family Giving Tree

Jennifer Cullenbine - 

Co-founder of the Family Giving Tree, today Jennifer serves as Chief Executive Officer and is known by many long-term supporters and volunteers as the Queen Elf. Jennifer earned her Masters degree in Business Administration from San Jose State University, where the very idea for the Family Giving Tree was born. Jennifer is affiliated with many organizations, including the Entrepreneurs Organization, The Milpitas Chamber of Commerce, and the Rotary Club of Milpitas where she recently served as President. 


Andrea Borch - 

Helping out with the 2007 Holiday Wish Drive showed Andrea and her family the important role Family Giving Tree plays in local communities. The Borch family has been part of the effort ever since, with Andrea volunteering as a Drive Leader for the backpack and holiday drives. Andrea also serves on the Board of Managers for the Southwest YMCA and the Board of Directors for Humane Society Silicon Valley. Other interests include reading, walking the family’s two dogs, and traveling. Andrea has a BS and MS in journalism from Northwestern University.