This past Saturday{December 9th} morning, we celebrated what we think is the 38th annual Breakfast with Santa with Washington Elementary School in San Jose!   I want to share with you some of the photos and videos (thanks Sheeba and Maria) so you can share in the joy!
Whether you helped pack the gifts on Friday, were one of the 30 Rotarians at the event, or are one of our members who kept the tradition going in past years,  thank you so very much!  Special thanks to Santa Ray and Mrs. Claus Kookie who brought so much joy and hope to the children.  Maria gave each child a framed photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Thanks to Sheeba for preparing a play list so we sounded much better than past years, and to Lee Ann who led our caroling, including some truly inspired choreography to Jingle Bells!  As you can see in the photos, there are so many more people to thank.  Don't miss the videos in the first link if you need some more joy this holiday season.
Also this year we had so many teenagers with so much energy!  Once again Dave and Angela brought students from Cambrian Academy and we had for the first time, about 15 Prospect High students attend!  With about 90 Kindergarten and 1st graders in attendance, the morning was magical!
Thanks for supporting this project through the Art Show and the Saratoga Rotary Charitable Foundation!  Don't miss this event next year!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season,