Very Merry Holiday Party at The Saratoga Foothill Club
By Marcia Hansen
Nearly 80 Rotarians and guests gathered on December 18 at The Saratoga Foothill Club for a very lively holiday party. .
Nearly 80 Rotarians and guests gathered on December 18 at The Saratoga Foothill Club for a very lively holiday party. Much mingling and jingling occurred as everyone enjoyed the holiday repast.  
Thanks to Marsi Nomura and Russ and Marcia Hansen for the wine and sparkling waters! Thanks to Teri Kasik, Sandy Wu, Cathie Thermond and Soheila Baniani for decking the halls of The Foothill Club. Nigel and Clive entertained us with a wonderful set of 1960’s era music and were joined for several songs by our own Renee “Joan Baez” Paquier.
“Attire Judges” Terri Creamer, Patti Larkins and Sheeba Garg awarded prizes for Best Use of Light in Attire (Maureen Barton for an over the top outfit covered in lights), Best Holiday Jewelry (Anne Cummins, very elegant), Best Holiday Tie (Russ Hansen, strobe light bow tie), Best Holiday Top (DeAnna Pursai, greatest reaction to winning!), Most Dapper (Phil Young, a bowler hat), Best Hat/Head Gear ( Peter Marra for what I can only describe as “Rastafarian Santa”), Judge’s Choice (Marsi Nomura’s blinking Rudolph headband) and Sandy Wu for most (unsuccessful) attempt to bribe the judges: cooking and cleaning for an award.
We enjoyed seeing many who cannot always attend the Friday meetings! A warm and festive gathering that reminded us how lucky we are to have such a close knit Saratoga Rotary Club.