Saratoga Rotary
President’s Letter
January. 2025
I hope that everyone had a merry Christmas and happy New Year, and that we have started to work off any extra poundage that we may have accumulated. The first half of 2024 has been eventful.
Club membership is slowly increasing, gradually approaching pre-pandemic levels. Member engagement is strong.
Our International Services Committee sponsored sending a Mobile Emergency Clinic to Ukraine. This project was performed in with help from The Rotary Club of Cupertino as well as Districts 5070 and 5190. They are actively exploring other international projects in partnership with other Rotary clubs. We are sponsoring a Global Scholar.
The Fellowship Committee has been very active, sponsoring a successful Bocce Ball gathering as well as TGIFs and a merry Holiday party at the historic Saratoga Foothill Club. Kudos to the Fellowship Committee and Dave Eshleman for arranging for entertainment by the incomparable Nigel and Clive.
Youth Services has been very involved in reactivating some activities. Interact is thriving at Prospect High School and Cambrian Academy while it is trying to restart at Saratoga High School. We are sponsoring Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) and Youth Exchange participants. Recruiting for the Enterprise Leadership Conference (ELC SVW) has been slow for students as well as Rotarians, but it is progressing. We are also actively recruiting speech contest participants with the hope that the increased award amounts will increase student interest.
Club Service has been providing us with informative speakers. The lunch program is still in flux, and we are in a BYO mode for most weeks now, with hot buffet lunches on special occasions and/ or approximately monthly. We are still evaluating alternatives, so stay tuned.
The Community Service Committee has been very active, providing warm clothing to those in need through its Warm Coat Drive. There was also a successful Operation Care & Comfort program where we prepared “CARE packages” to those serving us overseas.
We once again hosted Breakfast with Santa at Washington Elementary School. We had a good representation from Saratoga Rotary, as well as the Prospect and Cambrian Academy Interact clubs. The Interactors led in some spirited Christmas songs. The children, their parents and teachers were all very appreciative. Thanks again to Cathy and the rest of her committee for spearheading this wonderful event.
We have had some very thought-provoking and informative speakers. We have learned from two different views about growing up in China. For the musically inclined, we have had two professional performances – one with two pianists performing, and another by Vienna Tang, the daughter of Nancy Shih, who is a composer, singer and pianist. We have also heard about plastic recycling, morning radio, computer security, self-driving cars, human trafficking and Narcan. We heard about the state of our local treasure, West Valley College, and its vision from President and Saratoga Rotary member, Dr. Jennnifer Taylor-Mendoza.
We can look forward to presentations covering, among other topics, the state of the Saratoga Union School District and the City of Saratoga, how we can help save the planet, and bring justice to those incarcerated. Among these anticipated presentations, we also hope to bring our lunch question to a successful conclusion.
Congratulations to you all for being members of the best Rotary Club in the World!