Valley of Hearts Delight

Please join us for our program with returning author, Robin Chapman. Her newest book,
The Valley of Heart’s Delight: True Tales from Around the Bay was published in July
2022 and completes her trilogy of books about the region. Her first book, California
Apricots: The Lost Orchards of Silicon Valley, remains a perennial best seller for The
History Press. Her second book Historic Bay Area Visionaries featured the diversity of
our state and its history. Her third and latest is a collection of true stories you will not
have heard of anywhere else!
In her upcoming talk Chapman will share glimpses of these intriguing tales she has
uncovered since she returned to California. Did you know director Alfred Hitchcock once
had an estate here, a residence that impacted the script for his classic film “The Birds”?
That crooner Bing Crosby helped fund a local youth center? That the Santa Clara Valley
was once home to an extensive electric interurban rail system used by early 20th
century commuters? These are some of the tantalizing stories she will share in her
upcoming talk. We know you will not want to miss it.