The Rotary Club of Saratoga’s Fine Art Show is the first weekend in May (May 6th and May 7th). The show provides friends and neighbors a wonderful weekend with art, music, food, and beverages while strolling the beautiful grounds of West Valley College and connecting with their community.
The Art Show not only builds community but it also raises funds for the Saratoga Rotary Charitable Foundation (SRCF). SRCF uses the funds to provide grants to local nonprofit organizations and to support our Club’s community and youth services programs. This year, the SRCF has budgeted to spend about $90,000 on grants and programs!
Following are some the grants and financial support provided by SRCF:
- Celebrating Read Across America Day / Dr. Seuss’ Birthday in a local Title 1 school. Rotarians read Dr. Seuss books in 20 classrooms to support literacy and then gift every child with a book to take home. Saratoga Rotary is working to remedy this situation, one book at a time.
- Many youth leadership training opportunities for local high school students each year.
- The Saratoga Rotary Charitable Foundation also accepts applications for Community Grants. Since establishment of the SRCF in 2002, over $1 million has been granted to local non-profits. Twelve to fifteen grants are awarded in an average year. Three recent grants recipients are : 1) Community Cycles of California, a bike shop in San Jose. With donations and proceeds from the bike shop, Community Cycles provides free bikes and repairs to those in need and paid education and training to job seekers. 2) Silicon Valley Shakespeare, a theatre group which has performed Shakespeare and other classics/classically inspired works for 24 years. Over half of their audience attends for free, sharing theatre with the wider community. 3) Cancer CAREpoint, non profit which provides many services such as counseling, head coverings, resources, referrals, and nutrition and exercise programs to cancel patients and their families.