International Service
DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? When you go on Rotary humanitarian trips, one gets to see first-hand the magic of how The Rotary Foundation can impact lives around the world.

Make a person’s life anywhere in the world a bit better, one International Rotary Project at a time, while making friends globally.
Over the last few years, this committee has fostered collaborations with other Rotary clubs all over the world. Projects range from a water tank in Brazil, toilet for girls in Arusha, Tanzania, clean water and toilets in about 20 schools in Bangalore, India. It is our responsibility to leave the world a better place than we found it, and nothing makes me prouder than saying that the Rotary Club of Saratoga is playing a vital role in this regard.

In 2018-2019, we put our funds to good use to help communities across the world.
We helped an orphanage with special needs kids in Guadalajara, Mexico.
In 2019-2020, we are finalizing a Global Grant project for special needs children in Okpanam, Nigeria.

We would love to hear from all of you, please bring in your suggestions and ideas for projects as you go touring around the world. The committee meets monthly to review ongoing projects and evaluate project proposals.
While doing the projects, you make friends with service oriented like-minded individuals all over the world!