Welcome to February, the second month of the year, and the last month of winter. Hopefully by the time you read this, we will have had some much-needed rain.
During January, we had some informative programs starting with the State of the Union of our Saratoga Union School District, followed by a primer on how to save the planet in our own spare time. Then an engaging introduction to artificial intelligence by our own Mona Hrapkowicz culminating with an instructive overview of West Valley College’s Democracy Institute.
The weather has been chilly, but since February is the last month of winter, hopefully we will be able to look forward to warmer weather in the coming months.
Nationally, we now have a new president, and hopefully, a lot of the recent political acrimony will calm down, and we can go forward as a unified people.
Some upcoming District 5170 events are on the horizon:
Our auxiliary, Inner Wheel, is having its Founder’s Day Brunch at Saratoga Country Club. Inner Wheel’s major project is the provision of myoelectric limbs for children. Please support this wonderful organization if you are interested.
District 5170 will have its International Women’s Day conference in Fremont, later in March.
Looking forward, we can anticipate a program by two speakers from the International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians, who have been flying around the world and speaking to Rotary Clubs in support of Rotary’s End Polio campaign.
We can also look forward to programs about pollinator conservation as well as the latest in Alzheimer's and dementia research.
Due to popular demand, our lunch program has been restored. We had a successful trial with WeBox, where we were able to order our lunches individually from a variety of restaurants. They look to be a dependable backup source. We are working with our trusted Jose and Dexter who will be providing upcoming buffet lunches. Please support them, as they cannot support us if we do not use their services.
Please continue to attend our club meetings and have a wonderful end to winter
Service Above Self
Saratoga, CA 95070
United States of America